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Celery Seed Slows Alzheimer’s Disease, Boosts Cognition

celery seed Alzheimer's

Celery seed has cognitive benefits.

In several studies, researchers from Harvard University and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences have determined that a celery seed extract prevents Alzheimer’s disease pathology and significantly improves memory and cognition.

Celery seed reduces brain injury

In a series of studies led by Ying Peng, PhD, a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Medical School and China’s research Institute of Materia Medica, it has been determined that L-3-n-butylphthalide (L-NBP), an extract from celery seed (Apium graveolens Linn) inhibits brain injury and oxidation, while increasing cognition and memory. The research is revealing that the celery seed extract may be a treatment to prevent and possibly reverse Alzheimer’s disease – a growing epidemic among the elderly in western countries.

Celery plants. Celery seed tested for Alzheimer’s disease.

The laboratory studies have found that the celery seed extract reduces oxidative injury via its ability to decrease tau phosphorylation within brain cells. Tau proteins provide the foundation for microtubule transmissions, which provide the conduits for the instant transfer of information between brain cells. The phosphorylation of the tau proteins slows microtubule transmissions, thereby destabilizing microtubule-MAPT genes.

One study found the extract also reduces amyloid-beta plaque, but the most recent study illustrated its mechanism was related to blocking the tau protein phosphorylation, which may then prevent future amyloid-beta plaque build-up.

Celery seed increases cognition

Besides this effect, celery seeds have also been shown to increase vascular circulation. This is particularly important when it comes to brain cells. Celery seed is also a significant antioxidant.

Multiple studies have found that mice given the celery seed extract showed significant improvements in spatial learning and decreases in memory deficits. This also means it is beneficial for Alzheimer’s disease. Better than some of the failed drugs for Alzheimer’s.

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Whole celery seed has been used for thousands of years in ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for a variety of anti-inflammatory ailments such as intestinal cramping, arthritis, kidney issues and others.

Celery seeds also decrease risk of stroke according to other research.

How to take celery seeds

Celery seeds are harvested from the wild celery plant (Apium graveolens var. graveolen). This plant is also called smallage. The plant must be let go to seed, which will require a year of dormancy. Celery seed can also be derived from the cultivated celery plant (Apium graveolens) but this will interfere in harvesting the tasty celery that we like in our salads.

By far the easiest way to take celery seeds is with an extract. Celery seed extracts are produced by a number of herbal companies. A good herbal supplement company will have dosage information on the label.



Peng Y, Hu Y, Xu S, Feng N, Wang L, Wang X. Celery seed compound regulates amyloid precursor protein processing by PKC and MAPK pathways in SK-N-SH cells over-expressing wild type human APP695. Neurosci Lett. 2011 Jan 7;487(2):211-6.

Peng Y, Sun J, Hon S, Nylander AN, Xia W, Feng Y, Wang X, Lemere CA. L-3-n-butylphthalide improves cognitive impairment and reduces amyloid-beta in a transgenic model of Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurosci. 2010 Jun 16;30(24):8180-9.

Peng Y, Hu Y, Xu S, Li P, Li J, Lu L, Yang H, Feng N, Wang L, Wang X. L-3-n-butylphthalide Reduces Tau Phosphorylation and Improves Cognitive Deficits in AβPP/PS1-Alzheimer’s Transgenic Mice. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012 Jan 10.


  • California Naturopath, Ph.D. in Natural Health Sciences, Doctorate in Integrative Health Sciences, Board Certified Alternative Medicine Practitioner. Diplomas in Blood Chemistry, Clinical Nutritional Counseling, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Colon Hydrotherapy, certificates in Pain Management and Case Management/Contact Tracing. Has authored more than 30 books and hundreds of periodical articles on natural medicine. Recreational activities include surfing, sailing, running, biking, swimming, SUPing, hiking. Contact: case(at)caseadams(dot)com.

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