Natural Strategies to Avoid or Combat Dementia

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Alzheimer's disease natural remedies
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The mysteries surrounding Alzheimer’s disease have confounded conventional medicine since its discovery more than a century ago. Finally, the causes and natural solutions for this mysterious condition are exposed in this groundbreaking book. Beginning with a full description of the signs and symptoms of early- and late-stage Alzheimer’s, the author clarifies the documented risk factors related to the condition. Unraveling the science from more than a thousand research studies, the author then defines the mechanisms of the disorder, and reveals dozens of scientifically confirmed  natural strategies, including diet factors, nutrients, superfoods, herbal medicines and lifestyle changes proven to help us avoid or combat this devastating form of dementia. Finally, “Holistic Remedies for Alzheimer’s” deciphers the depths of consciousness to broaden our perspective of this dreaded condition, offering the means for hope and understanding. Copyright 2016. 42

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