Showing posts with label lung cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lung cancer. Show all posts

Can Traditional Chinese Medicine fight Cancer?

Western medicine has been rejecting Chinese Herbal Medicine for decades. It is not simply because it is foreign, or even unsubstantiated. It is not as if there isn’t any scientific and clinical research being done on traditional Chinese herbs. The reality is that western pharmaceutical medicine has been reluctant to embrace treatments that come without patents. Yes, unfortunately, it appears that money is the matter.

Four Medicinal Mushrooms that Fight Cancer

Over three decades of laboratory and clinical research have established that a number of medicinal mushrooms work in a myriad of ways to help our bodies naturally fight cancer.

Burdock Herb Inhibits Cancer, Boosts Memory

New research has revealed that a central constituent of the traditional herb Greater Burdock (Arctium lappa L.) blocks cancer growth and boosts cognition and memory.
burdock leaves
Burdock leaves are large and broad.

Mediterranean Diet Reduces Cancer Risk

If you wanted the most effective way to reduce your cancer risk, you might consider the Mediterranean Diet.

This is the conclusion of multiple studies that have been done on large populations of people.